As per Ayurveda, having water that has been stored in a copper jar for 8 hours, in the morning empty stomach balances all the three doshas in the body, (vata, kapha and pitta). Copper imparts its healing and rejuvenating properties to the water. Copper water reduces the risk of heart disease, treats diarrhea and dysentery, stimulates the brain, promotes bone strength, treats hypertension and jaundice, regulate blood pressure, and lowers cholesterol.
Health benefits
Cleanses the body: Water stored in a copper vessel cleans the body and removes impurities and unwanted and poisonous substances.
Improves the functioning of the digestive system, kidney and liver: The water cleanses the stomach, aids in nutrients absorption and digestion, cures piles, constipation, stomach ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, acidity, infections, and indigestion. Copper stimulates peristalsis, kills damage causing bacteria, and reduces inflammation. Water stored in copper vessel kills all the virus and bacteria in the body because of its antimicrobial properties. Water stored in a copper vessel can cure all kinds of respiratory disorders to a large extent.
Aids in weight loss: Copper has a property that breaks down fat thereby regulating it and stopping it from further accumulation. It balances the PH level of the body.
Improves immunity: Copper water has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti- inflammatory properties which improve the immunity level of the body. Copper offers protection against 2 very common types of bacteria, E.coli and S.aureus, which cause severe infections.
Purifies the water: One another unique property is that this water can stay fresh for a long time. If you feel your water is impure, keep it in a copper vessel for 8 hours and then drink. Water stored in copper vessel kills micro-organisms including virus and bacteria and diarrhea and disease causing bacteria such as S. flexneri and Salmonella Paratyphi.
Prevents aging: Copper water has anti-oxidation properties which aid in the creation of new cells which in turn reduces wrinkles and fine lines and removes dead cells.
Cures skin diseases: Apart from being a skin vitalizer, copper also helps in the production of melanin, a pigment that determines the color of our skin. Copper aids in hemoglobin synthesis and it is a shortcut for you to have a glowing spotless skin. Copper helps cure internal wounds. Copper water also improves the quality and strength of your hair.
Cures thyroid: Having water stored in a copper vessel enables better flow of blood to the different organs. Apart from this copper is an element that our thyroid gland needs to function efficiently and offer protection against both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Helps in conception: Copper improves fertility and helps in conception.
Anti-cancer: Copper has anti-cancer and anti-oxidation properties that aids in fighting free radicals.
Cures arthritis: Copper is also useful for patients suffering from arthritis, pains and inflammation. It also strengthens the bones and the overall muscular system. Having it early in the morning keeps one active and energized for the rest of the day.
Brain stimulator: Copper has anti-convulsive properties which acts as a brain stimulant and enables our brain to function more efficiently.
Prevents anemia: Copper helps in iron absorption in the body and hence offers protection against anemia.