Coconut oil is extensively used in shampoos, hair oils, conditioners, lotions and various other beauty products. It is a quite popular ingredient and has proved to show positive and extremely effective results.
Coconut oil is a completely natural product; it is extracted from the kernels and pulp of ripe fruits. Coconut oil is rich in important vitamins and minerals that offer nourishment and nutrition to the scalp and hair strands. Numerous studies, in the field of hair care, have proved that before washing the head, or during the process our hair loses out on a lot of essential nutrients. In particular, these problems can be traced in the daily hair wash process using strong cleansing shampoos. Protein is the basic building material for the structure of the hair, the loss of which leads to a weakening, fragility and hair loss. Coconut oil has low molecular weight which makes it easier for it to penetrate deeply inside the hair strands. It protects the hair from external damage due to the strong presence of lauric acid in it.
Furthermore, coconut oil, in contrast to many other vegetable oils, has a property to cover the surface of the scalp most evenly, forming a kind of protective layer that prevents damage of the hair during washing, wiping with a towel, brushing and drying.
Coconut oil retains the moisture content of the hair. It is comparatively stable as compared to other oils, with a smoke point of 350 degrees. The fatty acids present in coconut oil fight against dandruff by removing dryness in the scalp.
It is highly recommended to use the coconut oil for dry, damaged, weakened, emaciated, dull, and brittle hair. This is due to the excellent nourishing and regenerating properties of this oil which help restore hair to its natural shine and strength, restore the structure of the hair shaft, as well as will give volume, softness, and smoothness. Coconut oil is a great moisturizing and nourishing agent for the scalp. It prevents further hair fall and reduces the degree of side-effects from chemical, thermal, mechanical and other external influences. In addition, regular use of coconut oil for hair prevents hair loss, and the formation of dandruff. One additional plus point is that coconut oil is suitable for all hair types.