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Nutritional Composition of Cilantro and What Makes It Effective in Treating Various Disorders

Writer's picture: hetal vaghelahetal vaghela

Coriander is a Mediterranean herb which is commonly known as Dhania in the Indian Subcontinent and Cilantro in the Americas and some parts of Europe. Coriander is an herb that is extensively used around the world as a condiment, garnish, or decoration on food.

Coriander herb is very low in calories and is packed with potential health benefits. It contains various essential oils that give it a distinct aroma, six different types of acids (example ascorbic acid), minerals and vitamins. The herb is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Vitamins found in cilantro are folic-acid, vitamin-A, and vitamin-C, which are essential for optimum health. It provides vitamin-A, an important fat soluble vitamin and anti-oxidant. Vitamin-A helps the body maintain proper vision and strength of the eye. Vitamin-A may help protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

What makes cilantro even healthier is the rich content of vitamin K. Vitamin-K has a potential role in bone mass building. Cilantro has been observed to limit the neuronal brain damage and hence is effective in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. In some parts of Europe, it is also known by the name of an "anti-diabetic" plant. The anti-diabetic nature of cilantro is currently being studied in the United States.

Let us see the health benefits of coriander leaves in details:

High Cholesterol Levels

The ascorbic acid and vitamin-C present in coriander are very effective in reducing the deposit of cholesterol along the walls of the veins and arteries. Traditionally, cilantro was used for its anti-inflammatory properties in India. In the United States, there have been a few research studies which have proven that cilantro decreases the cholesterol level in rats.

Ayurvedic Remedy: Take some coriander seeds (1/2 tsp to 1 tsp) and one glass of boiling water. Heat this on a medium flame for 5-10 minutes. Strain the water and drink everyday.


The essential oils present in coriander aid in digestion, proper functioning of the liver and bowel movement and diarrhea. In addition, the fresh coriander leaves work as excellent appetizers and must be taken before meals.

Eye Care

Coriander has lots of anti-oxidants, multi-vitamins and phosphorus present in its essential oils. These prevent the eyes from aging, macular degeneration and stress.

Skin Disorders

Cilantro works as a great antiseptic as it has disinfectant, anti-bacterial, carminative and anti-oxidant properties. These cure skin disorders such as acne, eczema, roughness and fungal infections.

Burns from Fire Ayurvedic Remedy: Make fresh cilantro juice by placing a handful of cilantro in a blender with 1/3rd cup of water. Strain the juice and have it (2 tsp 3 times a day). Put the leftover pulp directly on the skin.

Mouth Ulcers

Citronelol, a component of essential oils in coriander, is a potent antiseptic, which prevent the mouth ulcers from going worse.

Ayurvedic Remedy: Boil 2 tsp of finely chopped cilantro in a cup of water. Filter the water and let this cool down. Gargle with this liquid for at least 3-4 times a day.


Coriander stimulates the digestive juices and helps in proper secretion of the digestive enzymes.

Ayurvedic Remedy: Mix seeds of 1 cardamom with 2 cloves, 1/2 inch ginger and 5 grams of coriander leaves and have.


Coriander is very rich in iron which directly offers relief to anemic people.

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