Proper nutrition is necessary for the healthy-functioning of the body and brain. The government policies on food put high emphasis on the availability of required nutrition in the commonly supplied foods. Nutrition becomes more of a priority for growing children, pregnant women and old-age people. The golden rule is to take a daily diet that includes the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of nutrients.
If you look around your outside world, you might be able to see different forms of sauces, juices, candies, snacks and deserts... chances are many of them used a very common tropical fruit, Guava -- a very inexpensive fruit -- which is commonly eaten in Mexico, Northern America and Central America.
Guava a very good source of Vitamin A, 5 times greater than in an orange. It also provides protein, fiber, folate and lots of Vitamin C (around 275% of the RDA) than any other fruit of the same family (myrtle fruits). The vitamin C content in a guava is 2 times that in an orange (one medium sized orange fruit contains 75 mg of vitamin C whereas the same sized guava contains almost double, 165 mg of vitamin C. Although, it comes in different flavors, the most common type is the Apple Guava, which is grown in many tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world.
Some people discard the seeds of the fruit but that contains more fiber and nutrition than the flesh. This fruit is also great for people looking to losing weight. That’s because 1 guava contain only 60 calories and high content of fiber.
GUAVA as a super-fruit
With all the benefits of Guava and its rich content, the question that might have popped in your mind: Is Guava a super-fruit? It would be an injustice to not call it a super-fruit, due to its extremely rich nutritional content within a single fruit! From multi-vitamins (B1,B3,B6,A,C, etc.) to several minerals (Calcium, Potassium (256 mg in a medium sized fruit), Iron, Magnesium, etc.), fiber such as Pectin and most of the required nutrition in a single piece! And most importantly, it's relatively inexpensive! You need to not go into expensive stores or outlets, just wander around and you will find Guava in excessive amount, which of course depends on your region. If you are ever diagnosed with nutritional deficiencies, chances are you aren't taking enough Guavas!
I would argue that you if you haven't taken a Guava in your life, because the region where you live doesn't grow Guava or import it in good amount, then you are yet to experience the pleasure and health benefits of this amazing fruit.