Taking care of diet and nutrition becomes all the more important during pregnancy because of obvious reasons. However, knowing which foods to eat can help avoid unwanted complication for both the newborn and the mother.
Nutrition Importance
Calcium - Helps in the development of the bones and tooth buds of the baby
Iron - Prevents anemia
Fatty Acids - Helps in preventing premature birth
Protein - Boosts fetal growth
Carbohydrate - Regulates glucose levels and weight of the unborn
Vitamin A - Boosts immunity and growth
Vitamin B6 - Treats nausea and vomiting. Include watermelon, turmeric, mushrooms,
chickpeas, cucumber and muskmelon in your diet.
Vitamin C - Controls metabolism
Vitamin D - Gives protection against eczema and wheezing to the child
Folate - Helps to remove birth defects
Vitamin B12 - Helps in developing the brain of the baby
Vitamin K - Removes blood clotting problems
Vitamin E - Protects the nerves and gives strength keeps the skin healthy. Include sprouts in diet.
Foods that should be eaten
Eggs especially the egg white - Helps to boost formation of healthy eyes and brain development. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, which is particularly beneficial for the newborn
Dairy Products – Foods that are rich in calcium is useful for the overall development of the child. Dairy products such as milk and certain type of cheese contain vitamin D, vitamin A, and protein which are important for the development of child.
Avocados – Avocado contains folic acid which ensures neural tube development in the baby, vitamin C which enhances the development of a proper immune system, vitamins which boost tissue development.
Carrots – Carrots contain Vitamin A which helps in the proper formation of skin, teeth, eyes, and bones for the baby. It has high fiber content which helps in regular bowel movement.
Yogurt – Contains gut microflora prebiotics that improves nutrient absorption in the body and ensures the proper uptake of essential minerals and vitamins to the child
Mangoes – Great source of potassium and vitamins which spurs fetal development and improves the immune system and blood pressure. It also helps in reducing morning sickness.
Oatmeal – Contains large amount of minerals, like iron and copper, and fiber. The fiber content helps maintain the health of the heart of the mother and also regulates bowels, reduces cramps, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems
Nuts – Contains host of minerals including magnesium, iron, copper, selenium and zinc which are important for the overall development of the baby. Nuts like walnuts, almonds and pistachios contain omega-3 that aid in brain development of the baby.
Spinach – Contains nutrients including calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, iron, and folic acid and antioxidants which protect the baby from any chronic diseases. It also helps in red blood cells formation of the child. The iron content is useful for the mother.
Lentils – Protect the baby from neural tube defects. It contains fiber, iron, and complex carbohydrates and strengthens the digestive process and absorption of nutrients.
Chicken – Good source of protein which helps in child development. However over-processed chicken is harmful during pregnancy.