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Surya Namaskar: 12 Powerful Sun Salutations Yoga pose

Writer's picture: hetal vaghelahetal vaghela

There is no asset more valuable than Health for a human being. It was the innate desire to preserve this asset which compelled man to scavenge for different ways and practices. One such technique is ‘Surya Namaskar’ also more commonly known as “Sun salutations’ in the West. It is a very ancient technique used to pay homage to the Sun.

There is a famous saying that a ‘single sun ray is enough to drive away many shadows’, Well! That just accentuates how indispensable Sun is for our survival. It is the Sole force that sustains life on this Planet. Without Sun, this whole planet will plunge into darkness;

completely devoid of any form of life or light.  It would be totally unwise to take something so beneficial for so granted; this is exactly what the ancient people thought and they discovered this broad dimensional yoga workout which was bound to change the lives of many.

More commonly identified by the 12 poses, Surya Namaskar is just not an exercise but a whole new realm of body workout. From the standing prayer pose, to raised arms pose to mountain poses, lunges and extreme stretches; it involves nearly every part of the body and this is the main reason for its wholesome benefits.  Now, Lets’ take a more detailed look at how this traditional technique is useful for your health

1. One Stop Solution for Weight Reduction:

It’s not easy to fend off extra fat from your body. Are you worried about your stuck out belly and alarming waist size? Surya Namaskar can help you lose extra calories much faster than any other physical workout. The stretches, the lunges; all are instrumental in giving you an excellent cardiovascular workout. You don’t just lose weight, you get a fined tuned body.

2. Releases Stress:

Stress is the gift of this modern industrial age. You would hardly find someone, not suffering from this menace. The deep breathing practiced during Surya Namaskar, helps in relaxing your mind and muscles. It also calms your thyroid and endocrine glands thus ensuring tranquility and calmness. It creates a spiritual balance that relieves you of daily stress

3. Prevent aging:

Who wants to get old? But it’s a natural cycle which everyone has to go through. Sun Salutations however slows down this whole process. The flexibility it adds and the improved blood circulation, keeps you energetic and active even in old age. It also prevents from wrinkles and dull skin.

4. Prevents Mental and physical diseases:

Systematic breathing and sustained postures greatly improves the blood circulation which consequently entails a lot of benefits. Improved Blood circulation prevents you from fatigue and exhaustion. It is also beneficial for patients of insomnia; as the exercise aids people in sleeping peacefully.

5. Improves Focus & concentration:

Morning time, undoubtedly, is the best time of the day. Calmness, serenity, silences; all these are essential to achieve focus and concentration. Sitting in postures for long time and concentrating on the marvels of nature develops and magnifies your concentration power, and it’s a no brainer that focused people are successful people.

6. A toned Skin and body:

The improved blood circulation gives you a more radiant and fresh skin, thus adding to the aesthetic beauty. Not only that; the poses adds more flexibility and strength to the muscles. As the exercise uses each and every muscles and joints; your bones and muscles become stronger. It gives you a comprehensive mental and physical poise.

Word of Caution:

Surya Namaskar, despite of all its benefits, might not be suitable for the following people:

People having sun burn problem.Women in their pregnancy; especially after third month.People suffering from Hernia and high blood pressure.Women on Periods.

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