Rice is one of the oldest cereals; it is believed to have been grown for over 5000 years. It is estimated to be the staple food for approximately half of the world’s population or more; mainly the south and eastern Asia. White rice is common and consumed widely whereas the brown rice is rare.
However, the health benefits of brown rice outweigh the white rice.
Both white and brown rice contain a lot of carbohydrates that equip our bodies with the energy we need. Both are gluten free, making it one of the non-allergic foods. They also contain bran oil that prevents heart-related ailments.
White rice is highly processed, where in this process important nutrients are lost like the germ from the embryo and the bran from the seed coat. The extractions are done to improve its cooking quality, tasty and shelf life. Unfortunately, this is at the cost of most of its nutrition.
Brown rice, on the other hand, is a power food. Nonetheless, it should not be rancid. Consuming rancid fat negates any health benefits one might get from the other nutrients. It is an intact whole grain with the bran and embryo untouched making it high in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants than white rice.
Brown rice promotes weight loss, improves bowel movements and makes one feel full throughout thus
reducing the amount of food one can consume in a day. It is preferred by most people suffering from diabetes because it stabilizes the sugar levels in the body.
In conclusion, brown rice is much better with around two hundred and sixteen calories per cup and has its health benefits from reducing heart ailments to assisting in weight loss.